"Noblesse oblige, Nature aussi !"

Our story and our project
At the origin of the project, we are 3, Thomas, Flavien and Marc. We met in 2010 while working as a seasonal instructor in the same sailing school. Our sensitivity for the environment and the protection of the latter come from the direct transformations we have witnessed on the wild coast. Tourism construction projects artificialize the soil and disfigure this landscape which is so dear to us. came from our direct vision of the changes in the dunes that we encounter day by day in the face of tourist construction projects on our coast. One certainty struck us one evening during a discussion, only the appropriation or use of spaces allows real protection due to the commitment of the actors, the beginnings of Frenchtitles were born.
We then evolved in very different directions, a strategy consultant in contact with environmental issues, particularly in the real estate sector, one towards the food trades and more specifically wines, with a detailed knowledge of the territories and agricultural issues, and one as an analyst on ESG topics in a management company that has expertise on topics related to the environment and biodiversity.
We discovered together the initiative of Celtic titles, which offers honorary titles of “Lord” in exchange for a lot of one square foot in Ireland or Scotland. The final objective of the project is to make plots of high ecological interest unbuildable and to finance their preservation.
The project immediately appealed to us and we saw the potential for a similar project on French territory, with such a rich noble history and whose biodiversity protection issues urgently require bold initiatives. After unsuccessfully trying to join Celtic titles in the idea of a partnership, we decided to directly launch a similar initiative on French territory.
Our approach is based on the objectives of preserving and restoring European ecosystems and is aligned with national objectives. We have several ideas for development thereafter but we are concentrating in the first phase on the selection of a first land and the evaluations necessary for the development on this land of a plan for the conservation and enhancement of the natural space. .
We are therefore opening a crowdfunding scheme based on a “presale” system in order to test the appetite of the market for such an initiative and to raise the funds necessary for the initial expenses of the project.

Our mission
French Titles is a company founded on the sponsorship of plots of land on French territory with the aim of preserving and restoring biodiversity.
The offer is aimed at individuals who can sponsor a plot in exchange for an honorary title of nobility linked to the history of the territory. The sponsor is not the owner of the sponsored lot.
French Titles is committed in its statutes to make the lands held unbuildable and to restore the biodiversity of the place according to the natural characteristics of the soil.
This preservation and restoration objective is part of the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) and contributes directly to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13 and 15.
It is planned in a second phase and in case of success of the launch phase, to develop an offer of ecological tourism and to anchor the measures of preservation and restoration of the land in INRAE research projects for example.